• 講演者 : Maria Alessandra Ragusa 氏 (Universita degli Studi di Catania)
    • 題目 : The framework Morrey space: strengths and weaknesses
    • 日時 : 平成29年3月13日(月)14:00 – 15:00

In this talk are given the classical deinition of Morrey Spaces $L^{p,\lambda}$, the main properties of them and a lots of example and counterexample highlight some qualities of functions belong to the spaces $L^{p,\lambda}$. Also, some negative properties of extra-integrability are showed. Moreover, we study the relations between two Morrey Spaces and the comparison between Morrey class with other functional spaces.

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  • 最終更新: 2017/11/16 09:17
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