- 講演者:李 成博 氏(北京大学国際数学研究センター)
- 題目:Parameterized Curves in Lagrange Grassmannians and sub-Riemannian geometry
- 日時:平成22年6月23日(水)16:30〜17:30
We construct the curvature-type differential invariants for a wide class of geometric structures and controlsystems on manifolds, especially for sub-Riemannian structures on nonholonomic vector distributions. We then can calculate the curvature maps for a class of sub-Riemannian structures on distributions having additional transversal infinitesimal symmetry and investigate the comparison theorems for the number of conjugate points along the sub-Riemannian extremals. Finally, we review the construction of the curvature maps for three dimensional contact sub-Riemannian case and give a new proof which could possibly to be applied to the higher dimensions. T he talk is mainly based on the joint works with Igor Zelenko.