- 講演者: 瀬藤 憲昭 氏 (広島大学工学部)
- 題目: Spectral properties of a spinor-type Bethe-Salpeter equation
- 日時: 10月28日(月) 16:00 〜 17:00
- 場所: 数学科セミナー室 4号館 3階
The bound state problem is considered within the framework of the Bethe-Salpeter (BS) equation in the ladder model. The bound state are composed of a fermion and an antifermion of equal mass $m$ interacting through the exchange of a massless vector particle. Spectral properties of the coupling constant as a function of the bound state mass \(E\) (\( 0\leq E<2m\)) are clarified. Global views are obtained connecting the Goldstein problem (the appearance of continuous spectra in the spinor-spinor BS equation) with the abnormal solutions in the Wick- Cutkosky model (the scalar-scalar BS equation).