第08回 Siegfried Boecherer 氏

  • 講演者 : Siegfried Boecherer 氏 (マンハイム大学)
    • 題目 : On equivariant holomorphic differential operators
    • 日時 : 2022年 10月 28日 (金) 16:30 〜 17:30
    • 場所 : 野田キャンパス 講義棟5階 K504 教室


By results of G.Bo1 and R.Rankin, we know all linear and bilinear holomorphic equivariant differential operators on the complex upper half plane. Here “equivariant” means some compatibility with the action of PSL(2). We discuss problems and difficulties which arise, when one wants to generalize such results to Siegel half spaces of arbitrary degree, in particular for the vector-valued case.
