第05回 Martin Guest

  • 講演者 : Martin Guest氏  (早稲田大学)
  • 題目 : The (enhanced) Coxeter Plane: an application of differential equations to Lie theory
  • 日時 : 2019年6月18日(火)16:30 〜 17:30
  • 場所 : 数学科セミナー室(4号館3階)


he Coxeter Plane is obtained from the root system (of a Lie algebra) by projecting the roots to a certain 2-dimensional plane. The resulting picture was discovered by Coxeter in his investigations of polytopes - but rarely appears in the Lie theory literature. We shall give another description of the Coxeter Plane, arising (in a rather unexpected way) from the theory of ordinary differential equations and integrable systems. This is joint work with Nan-Kuo Ho of National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan.