In this talk we discuss different problems in the area of Toeplitz operators \(Tf\) acting on the Segal-Bargmann space of Gaussian square integrable entire functions on \(\mathbb{C}^n\) or Bergman spaces over bounded symmetric domains \(\Omega\). In the rst case we address the “commuting problem” and the “zero product problem” and we discuss composition formulas for Toeplitz operators with symbols in suitable classes. In particular, a one-parameter family of non- commutative products on a space of real analytic functions is dened and we can introduce a corresponding algebra of Berezin-Toeplitz operators. Applications to the analysis of the induced Toeplitz algebras are mentioned. If time allows we will also address the question of compactness characterizations of operators in the above framework via the Berezin transform. In various of these problems the heat ow on \(\mathbb{C}^n\) or (what we call) the Harish- Chandra ow on \(\Omega\) plays an important role. This presentation gives a survey on recent joint works with T. Le (U. Toledo, USA), L.A. Coburn SUNY Buffalo), J. Isralowitz (SUNY, Albany), D. Agbor (Gttingen), B.-R. Choe and Hyungwoon Koo (Seoul).