
  • 講演者:大西 勇 氏(広島大学・大学院理学研究科・数理分子生命理学専攻)
    • 題目: A Mathematical Aspect for Liesegang Phenomena
    • 日時:平成22年2月22日(月)16:30〜17:30

In 1896, colloid-chemist R.E. Liesegang [4] observed strikingly regular patterns in precipitation-reaction processes, which are referred to as Liesegang bands or rings, according to their shape. In this talk I introduce an attempt to understand from a mathematical viewpoint the experiments in which regularized structures with spatially distinct bands of precipitated material are exhibited, with clearly visible scaling properties. This study is a result [1] of a collaboration with Professors D. Hilhorst, R. van der Hout, and M. Mimura.


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