
  • 講演者: Khosrow Chadan 氏 (Paris XI 大学)
    • 題 目: Positivity of some Integral Transforms. Applications to the Schrödinger equations.
    • 日 時: 平成 16年 11月 9日(火) 16:30 〜 17:30
    • 場 所: 数学科セミナー室 4号館 3階

We generalize some theorems of Titchmarsh on the positivity of Fourier sine and cosine integrals to the case of integral transforms with more general functions , and use them to prove the absence of positive eigenvalues - i.e. eigenvalues embeded in the continuum - for the Schrödingr equation with nonlocal separable potentials. Such nonlocal potentials are of current use in few-body problems in Nuclear Physics.