
  • 講演者: Micheline Musette 氏 (ブリュッセル大学自然科学学部)
    • 題目: Hénon-Heiles type Hamiltonians and separation of variables
    • 日時: 平成 15年 11月 20日(木) 15:30 〜 16:30
    • 場所: 数学科セミナー室 4号館 3階

The Hénon-Heiles Hamiltonian with a cubic potential and an additive non polynomial term is known to be Liouville integrable in 3 cases, respectively associated with the stationary flow of the fifth-KdV, Sawada-Kotera(SK) and Kaup-Kupershmidt partial differential equations. Here, we integrate in the 3 cases the equations of motion with genus 2 hyperelliptic functions. This extends previous results obtained for the SK and KK cases.